Saturday, September 20, 2014

End of a Magical Time at LeakyCon

It's kind of sad writing about the end of LeakyCon because it was honestly one of the best weeks of my life. I met new friends and celebrities, bought some amazing merchandise, and I went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at night. It was pretty cool to say the least.

On Saturday, I spent the morning in Disney with my family and some friends before heading to the convention center to see the Joe Moses Showses and a reading of Starship Requiem (a sequel to the Starkid musical Starship). They were both hilarious and I wish that Starkid could stage Starship Requiem for them to put on YouTube for everyone!

The cast of Starship Requiem after the reading
Later that night was the Esther Earl Rockin' Charity Ball. It is in honor of Esther Grace Earl, a girl who had thyroid cancer and died when she was only sixteen. August 3rd was her birthday and it "has become a holiday that reminds us to verbalize our love for friends and family, the important people in our lives who we might not remember to say “I love you” to very often" (HERE is the link to this quote). So the charity ball ran from the night of August 2nd to the early morning of August 3rd. At midnight, we watched a video about Esther and then sang "Bohemian Rhapsody" as a group. It was pretty emotional and people were crying, but we came together as a community to celebrate the life of an amazing girl. 

We were all given mini flashlights when we came in the door

They shot off some star shaped confetti

If you want to learn more about Esther and what Esther Day is, you can visit the organization that is in her name called This Star Won't Go Out which helps families with children with cancer. 

I also was able to get pictures with Joe Moses, Nick Lang and a Weeping Angel before and during the charity ball. 

Sorry for the blurriness!  

Pretty scary!
On Sunday there was only the closing ceremony where we were given Esther Day postcards to send to a person that we love, I sent mine to my sister! They also announced that LeakyCon would become GeekyCon and it would happen every year at the Orlando Convention Center. In addition to GeekyCon there will be a LeakyCon, but it will be smaller and devoted to only Harry Potter. GeekyCon will expand to all things fandom: Sherlock, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, etc.

I don't think I like the name "GeekyCon." I think it is a kind of stupid name because people have been bullied with the word geek. "GeekyCon" sounds like a name ready to make fun of. Even though I do not like the new name, I will most likely be going to a GeekyCon in the future. 

Crowd after the Closing Ceremony
Thanks for reading! Now that I am done with posts from the summer, I will continue with posts about what I have done so far in the school year. I have been having an amazing time at school and I can't wait to write about it! Thanks for reading!


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